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Reckless Vs Careless

Careless negligence is things that are more minor. For example, if you’re driving on the street and you’re in your own lane, and you’re minding your own business, going the speed limit, and someone doesn’t see you and they come into your lane and hit you, that person was not criminally negligent. That person made a simple mistake, came into your lane, and that is just simple negligence. The person didn’t check his blind spots didn’t make a proper lane change and hit you. That is negligence that is not a crime.

Criminal negligence is completely different. Criminal negligence is you get behind the wheel of a car, you’re intoxicated, you hit another vehicle, and you injure people in that vehicle or your own vehicle. Well you had no intent to injure anyone, however, because you should have known if you got behind the wheel of a car intoxicated this could happen, it’s reasonable that you could get into an accident as a result of your intoxication. It’s reasonable that other people are going to be in other vehicles or your own vehicle and they could be injured as a result. Criminal negligence is when you don’t have the intent to do something specific, like hurt someone in a car accident, but because it’s reasonable to know that if you are intoxicated and get behind the wheel that could result in injuring someone else, that is criminal negligence. That is a crime.